December 2023: ISTAT Second Workshop on Methodologies for Official Statistics (Rome, Italy). On the use of machine learning procedures for the treatment of unit nonresponse
October 2023: Oklahoma Conference for Statistics, Biostatistics and Data Science (Oklahoma, U.S.A). On the use of machine learning procedures for the treatment of unit nonresponse
October 2023: Oklahoma Conference for Statistics, Biostatistics and Data Science (Oklahoma, U.S.A). Statistical inference in the presence of imputed data through regression trees and random forests
September 2023: Departmental seminar, University of Toronto (Toronto, Canada). Statistical inference in the presence of imputed data through regression trees and random forests
August 2023: Joint Statistical Meetings 2023 (Toronto, Canada). Machine learning and ensemble methods for the treatment of unit nonresponse in surveys
July 2023: World Statistics Congress (Ottawa, Canada). Discussant of the IASS President Invited Session-Bridging big data and sampling methodology
June 2023: ITACOSM 2023 (Cosenza, Italy). Statistical inference in the presence of imputed data through regression trees and random forests
June 2023: Departmental seminar, Sapienza University of Rome (Rome, Italy). Statistical inference in the presence of imputed data through regression trees and random forests
May 2023: International Conference on Robust Statistics, (Toulouse, France). Robust imputation procedures in the presence of influential units.
March 2023: Departmental seminar, Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada). Statistical inference in the presence of imputed data through regression trees and random forests
December 2022: Workshop on Methodologies on Official Statistics (Rome, Italy). Data integration methods in surveys. Keynote speaker
December 2022: EMOS Webinar. Treatment of unit nonresponse through machine learning methods
October 2022: Workshop on Statistical Data Editing-United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (Virtual). Robust imputation procedures in the presence of influential units in surveys. Keynote speaker
October 2022: Seminar of the French Statistical Society (Virtual). Utilisation des méthodes d’apprentissage automatique pour le traitement de la non-réponse totale dans les enquêtes
August 2022: Joint Statistical Meetings 2022 (Washington DC, U.S.A). Inference in the presence of imputed data through random forests
August 2022: Joint Statistical Meetings 2022 (Washington DC, U.S.A). Developments in sampling with unequal probabilities: Ken Brewer's contributions
July 2022: Summer School on Modern Methods in Survey Sampling (Ottawa, Canada). Treatment of unit nonresponse through machine learning methods
July 2022: Summer School on Modern Methods in Survey Sampling (Ottawa, Canada). Model-assisted estimation through random forests in finite population sampling
June 2022: ITACOSM 2022 (Perugia, Italy). A general multiply robust framework for combining probability and non-probability samples in surveys
June 2022: Conference on missing data and survival analysis (Angers, France). Targeting key survey variables at the nonresponse treatment stage.
May 2022: MSDA 2022 (Angers, France). Targeting key survey variables at the unit nonresponse treatement stage in surveys.
March 2022: Journées de Méthdologie Statistique (Paris, France). Une approche multi-robuste pour l'intégration d'échantillons probabiliste et non-probabiliste. Keynote speaker.
January 2022: Seminar-Inria Montpellier (Virtual). Efficient multiply robust imputation in the presence of influential units in surveys
November 2021: Journées d’études statistiques (Fréjus, France). Non-réponses et enquêtes
November 2021: Departmental seminar - University of Manchester (Virtual). A general multiply robust framework for combining probability and non-probability samples in surveys
October 2021: Onzième colloque francophone sur les sondages (Virtual). Une approche multi-robuste pour l’intégration de données dans les enquêtes
September 2021: Departmental seminar-University of Ottawa (Virtual). A general multiply robust framework for combining probability and non-probability samples in surveys
August 2021: Joint Statistical Meetings (Virtual). Imputation procedures in surveys using nonparametric and machine learning methods: an empirical comparison
July 2021: Statistics 2021 (Virtual). A general multiply robust framework for combining probability and non-probability samples in surveys
July 2021: World Statistics Congress (Virtual). Efficient multiply robust imputation in the presence of influential units
June 2021: International Conference on Establishment Surveys (Virtual). Imputation procedures in surveys using nonparametric and machine learning methods: an empirical comparison
June 2021: Seminar of the Millennium Nucleus Center for the Discovery of Structures in Complex Data (Virtual). A general multiply robust framework for combining probability and non-probability samples in surveys
November 2020: Series of 4 webinars organized by the American Statistical Association (Virtual). Weighting methods in surveys
September 2020: Departmental seminar-UNSW Sydney (Virtual). Multiply robust imputation for the treatment of item nonresponse in surveys
September 2020: Japanese Joint Statistical Meetings (Virtual). Variance estimation procedures in the presence of singly imputed survey data: A critical review.
May 2020: The Eighth Annual Canadian Statistics Student Conference (Virtual). Some application of machine learning methods in survey sampling. Keynote speaker
January 2020: Departmental seminar-University of Ottawa (Ottawa,Canada). Multiply robust imputation for the treatment of item nonresponse in surveys
December 2019: CMStatistics (London, England). General purpose multiply robust data integration estimation procedures for handling non-probability samples
November 2019: Departmental seminar at Université Laval (Quebec, Canada). Targeting key survey variables at the nonresponse treatment stage
November 2019: Short Course-University of Toulouse 1 (Toulouse, France). Introduction to missing data (half-day)
November 2019: Departmental seminar-University of Toulouse 1 (Toulouse, France). Multiply robust imputation procedures in the presence of item nonresponse in surveys
November 2019: Departmental seminar-Universidad Carlos III (Madrid, Spain). Multiply robust imputation procedures in the presence of item nonresponse in surveys
October 2019: Mini-course at Université de Franche Comté (Besançon, France). An introduction to missing data. (Two half-days)
September 2019: Departmental seminar- McGill University (Montreal, Canada). Multiply robust imputation procedures in the presence of item nonresponse in surveys
August 2019: 62nd ISI World Statistics Congress (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). Instrumental calibration for the treatment of unit nonresponse in surveys
August 2019: 62nd ISI World Statistics Congress (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). Recent developments in dealing with item nonresponse in surveys: A critical review. International Statistical Review Journal Lecture
August 2019: 62nd ISI World Statistics Congress (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). Imputation for the treatment of item nonresponse (1.5 day workshop)
July 2019: Joint Statistical Meetings (Denver, U.S.A.). General purpose multiply robust data integration estimation procedures for handling non-probability samples
June 2019: ICSA 2019 (Raleigh, U.S.A.). Targeting key survey variables at the nonresponse treatment stage
June 2019: ITACOSM 2019 (Florence, Italy). Imputation for the treatment of item nonresponse in surveys: an overview. Keynote speaker
May 2019: Annual conference of the Statistical Society of Canada (Calgary, Canada). When some data are missing: Foundations of imputation theory and recent developments (One-day workshop)
May 2019: 11ht MAASC (Besançon, France). Targeting hey survey variables at the nonresponse treatment stage
January 2019: Oklahoma Health Sciences Center- University of Oklahoma (Oklahoma, U.S.A). Imputation for the treatment of item nonresponse in surveys: an overview
January 2019: Oklahoma Health Sciences Center- University of Oklahoma (Oklahoma, U.S.A). Estimation in surveys: an overview
October 2018: Departmental seminar - University of Winnipeg (Winnipeg, Canada). An introduction to missing data
October 2018: 10e colloque francophone sur les sondages (Lyon, France). Imputation pour le traitement de la non-réponse partielle dans les enquêtes (one-day workshop)
October 2018: CRM-SSC Prize Lecture (Montreal, Canada). Estimation in the presence of influential units for skewed finite and infinite populations
August 2018: SMURF (Neuchâtel, Switzerland). Estimation in the presence of influential units in finite population sampling: An overview
June 2018: Gertrude Cox award Lecture (Washington, USA). Weighting in surveys: an overview.
June 2018: SAE2018 (Shanghai, China). Internal and external consistency of robust estimates in surveys
June 2018: Journées de méthodologie de l'INSEE (Paris, France). Cibler des variables importantes à l'étape de l'ajustement pour la non-réponse
June 2018: Annual conference of the Statistical Society of Canada (Montreal, Canada). Imputation for the treatment of item nonresponse in surveys: an overview. CRM-SSC prize lecture
February 2018: Departmental seminar at UQAM (Montreal, Canada). Imputation doublement robuste et multi-robuste dans les enquêtes
December 2017: Neuvième journées MAASC (Paris, France). Imputation doublement robuste et multi-robuste dans les enquêtes
August 2017: (Baltimore, USA). Conference on Frontiers of Big Data and Statistical Sciences: ICSA Canada Chapter (Vancouver, Canada). Multiply robust imputation procedures for zero-inflated distributions.
August 2017: Joint Statistical Meetings (Baltimore, USA). Construction of survey weights (1 day workshop)
August 2017: Joint Statistical Meetings (Baltimore, USA). B-spline imputation procedures in surveys
July 2017: World Statistics Congress (Marrakech, Morocco). Construction of weights and treatment of influential units. (Two-day workshop with Jean-François Beaumont)
July 2017: Annual conference of the Statistical Society of Canada (Winnipeg, Canada). Simplified variance estimation in surveys
July 2017: CANSSI spring school on Statistical Inference in the Presence of Missing Observations (Toronto, Canada). Lectures on estimation in the presence of unit nonresponse, double and multiply robust imputation procedures and variance estimation in the presence of single imputation
May 2017: Conference in honour of J.N.K. Rao (Kunming, China). Doubly robust and multiply robust imputation procedures for missing survey data. Plenary speaker
April 2017: Statistical colloquium, Université de Bourgogne (Dijon, France). Multiply robust imputation procedures for the treatment of item nonresponse in surveys
March 2017: APOOR/DC-APOOR short courses (Washington, USA). Construction of survey weights (2 day workshop)
January 2017: Webinar-Survey Research Methods Section of the American Statistical Association. Unequal probability, high entropy and balanced sampling designs: an overview
December 2016: International Chinese Statistical International Conference (Shanghai, China). Simplified variance estimation for complex designs
October 2016: Neuvième colloque francophone sur les sondages (Gatineau, Canada). Trois approches inférentielles en populations finies : laquelle choisir? (Half-day workshop with Jean-François Beaumont)
August 2016: Joint Statistical Meetings (Chicago, U.S.A). On the problem of bias and variance amplification of the instrumental calibration estimator in the presence of unit nonresponse
July 2016: U.S. Census Bureau (Washington, USA). Multiply robust imputation procedures in the presence of missing survey data
July 2016: U.S. Census Bureau (Washington, USA). Robust estimation in the presence of influential units in surveys (one day workshop)
June 2016: Conference of the Italian Statistical Society (Salerno, Italy). Weight adjustment procedures for the treatment of unit nonresponse in surveys
June 2016: International Chinese Statistical Association Symposium (Atlanta, USA). Pseudo-population bootstrap procedures in the presence of imputed survey data
June 2016: ICES V (Geneva, Switzerland). Discussant in the session ‘New directions using robust estimation in establishment surveys
June 2016: ICES V (Geneva, Switzerland). Balanced sampling in surveys
June 2016: ICES V (Geneva, Switzerland). Robust estimation in the presence of influential units in surveys (1 day workshop with Jean-François Beaumont)
June 2016: Summer Meeting of the Statistics Laboratory (Montreal, Canada). Multiply robust imputation procedures in the presence of missing survey data
June 2016: Annual Conference of the Statistical Society of Canada (St. Catharines, Canada). Properties of the instrument vector calibration estimator in the presence of unit nonresponse
May 2016: Colloque de l'Association des statisticiennes et Statisticiens du Québec (Québec, Canada) Marges d’erreurs dans les enquêtes probabilistes et non probabilistes
March 2016: ENAR2016 (Austin, USA) Weight Trimming and Weight Smoothing Procedures for Survey Data
March 2016: Departmental seminar at Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) Multiply robust imputation procedures for missing survey data
January 2016: Seminar at McGill University (Montreal, Canada) Estimation in the presence of influential units in surveys
November 2015: Seminar at the Bank of Canada (Ottawa, Canada) Estimation in the presence of influential units in surveys
October 2015: Journée Méthode Avancées pour l’Analyse de Sondages Complexes (Paris, France) Estimation en présence de valeurs influentes dans les enquêtes: un survol
August 2015: Joint Statistical Meetings (Seattle, U.S.A). Multiply robust imputation procedures for the treatment of item nonresponse in surveys
August 2015: SAE2015 (Santiago, Chile). A unified approach to robust small area estimation
July 2015: ISI2015 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Editing and imputation of survey data (1.5 day workshop with W. Yung)
June 2015: MissData2015 (Rennes, France) . Triply robust inference in the presence of imputed survey data
June 2015: ICSA/Graybill 2015 (Fort Collins, USA) . Triply robust inference in the presence of imputed survey data
June 2015: 5e Rencontres scientifiques Sherbrooke-Montpellier (Sherbrooke, Canada) . Robust estimation for infinite skewed populations
April 2015: JMS 2105 (Paris, France) . Inférence multiple robuste en présence de données manquantes
November 2014: Le Huitième Colloque Francophone sur les Sondages (Dijon, France). Estimation par calage en présence de non-réponse: un survol. Keynote speaker
August 2014: Joint Statistical Meetings (Boston, USA). Introductory Overview Lecture: Methods of estimation for complex surveys (with Jay Breidt).
August 2014: Joint Statistical Meetings (Boston, USA). Using Adaptive Design and Collection Strategies to Improve Data Quality in Business Surveys Robust estimation for infinite skewed populations. Discussant.
May 2014: Annual Conference of the Statistical Society of Canada (Toronto, Canada). Robust estimation for infinite skewed populations
May 2014: SAMSI Transition Workshop (Research Triangle Park, USA). Weight trimming and weight smoothing methods in surveys
November 2013: Departmental seminar at Université de Sherbrooke(Sherbrooke, Canada). Inférence robuste dans les enquêtes
August 2013: 59th ISI World Statistics Congress (Hong Kong, China). Robust estimation in two-phase sampling with application to unit nonresponse
August 2013: Joint Statistical Meetings (Montreal, Canada). On the choice of the tuning constant for winsorized estimators
July 2013: Séminaire de méthodologie de l’INSEE (Paris, France). Estimation robuste en présence de valeurs influentes: une approche unifiée
June 2013: ITACOSM13 (Milan, Italy). Pseudo-population bootstrap methods for imputed data
June 2013: 2013 Graybill Conference (Colorado, USA). On the problem of bias and variance amplification of the instrument vector calibration in the presence of unit nonresponse
May 2013: Journées de statistique de la Société Française de Statistique (Toulouse, France). Estimation robuste en présence de valeurs influentes dans les enquêtes (Guest lecturer)
April 2013: Departmental seminar, Université de Toulouse 1 (Toulouse, France). Doubly robust inference in the presence of missing survey data
February 2013: Seminar of the Royal Statistical Society (London, England). Sampling and estimation procedures in business surveys: a discussion of some specific features
November 2012: Departmental seminar, Université de Bourgogne (Dijon, France). Doubly robust inference in the presence of missing survey data
November 2012: Le Septième Colloque Francophone sur les Sondages (Rennes, France).Traitement des valeurs influentes dans les enquêtes (one day workshop with J.F. Beaumont).
October 2012: The 6th Econ day (Rennes, France). Doubly robust inference in the presence of missing survey data
October 2012: Séminaire Scientifique de l’InVS (Paris, France). La non-réponse : comment affecte-t-elle les estimations ?
August 2012: US Census Bureau (Washington, USA). A theoretical framework for response designs
August 2012: US Census Bureau (Washington, USA). Robust estimation in the presence of influential units: a unified approach
August 2012: Joint Statistical Meetings (San Diego, USA). Chasing the nonrespondents: use of the conditional bias
June 2012: ICES IV (Montreal, Canada). A theoretical framework for response designs
June 2012: ICES IV (Montreal, Canada). Use of auxiliary information at the sampling and estimation stages in surveys (one day workshop)
June 2012: Conference of the Statistical Society of Canada (Guelph, Canada). A unified approach to robust estimation in survey sampling
June 2012: Symposium in honor of Professor J.N.K. Rao (Ottawa, Canada). Simplified variance estimation for two-phase sampling designs
May 2012: Departmental Seminar, ENSAI (Rennes, France). Controlling the bias of robust small area predictors
March 2012: Departmental Seminar, University of Neuchâtel (Neuchâtel, Switzerland). Controlling the bias of robust small area predictors
February 2012: Departmental Seminar, Iowa State University (Iowa, USA). Treatment of influential values in surveys
January 2012: JMS 2012 (Paris, France). Triple robustesse en présence de données imputées dans les enquêtes
January 2012: JMS 2012 (Paris, France). Traitement unifié des unités influentes dans les enquêtes. Keynote speaker
December 2011: ERCIM'11 (London, England). Controlling the bias of robust small area predictors
November 2011: Ateliers statistiques de la Société Française de Statistique-Institut Pierre et Marie Currie (Paris, France). Traitement de la non-réponse partielle et de la non-réponse totale dans les enquêtes (Two-day workshop)
June 2011: Ateliers statistiques de la Société Française de Statistique-Institut Pierre et Marie Currie (Paris, France). Échantillonnage et repondération par calage dans les enquêtes (Two-day workshop with G. Chauvet)
June 2011: International Total Survey Error Workshops (Quebec, Canada). Robust inference in two-phase sampling designs with application to unit nonresponse
May 2011: Symposisum de l'Association de Planification Fiscale et Financière (Montebello, Canada). Vérification par échantillonnage
February 2011: Séminaire de statistique de l'Université Laval (Quebec, Canada). Triple robustesse dans les enquêtes
October 2010: Statistics Canada Symposium (Ottawa, Canada). Calibrated robust imputation in surveys
October 2010: Workshop of the Centre de Recherche Mathématique (Montreal, Canada). Calibrated robust imputation in surveys
August 2010: Joint Statistical Meeting (Vancouver, Canada). Fully efficient estimation of coefficients of correlation in the presence of imputed data
June 2010: Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society (Padova, Italy). Resampling methods for variance estimation in the presence of missing survey data
March 2010: Sixième Colloque francophone sur les sondages (Tanger, Maroc). Estimation robuste pour des petits domaines
March 2010: Sixième Colloque francophone sur les sondages (Tanger, Maroc). Utilisation des données administratives dans les enquêtes auprès des entreprises à Statistique Canada
March 2010: Séminaire de statistique de l'Université de Waterloo (Waterloo, Canada) Robust estimation in surveys using the conditional bias of a unit
October 2009: Statistics Canada Symposium (Ottawa, Canada). Balanced random imputation in surveys
October 2009: Journée Méthode Avancées pour l’Analyse de Sondages Complexes (Toulouse, France) Estimation non-paramétrique des probabilités de réponse dans les enquêtes
June 2009: Colloque en l'honneur de Jean-Claude Deville (Neuchâtel, Switzerland). Robust estimation in surveys using the conditional bias of a unit
June 2009: Colloque en l'honneur de Jean-Claude Deville (Neuchâtel, Switzerland). Traitement de la non-réponse dans les enquêtes (2 day workshop)
May 2009: Annual conference of the Statistical Society of Canada (Vancouver, Canada) Treatment of item and unit nonresponse in surveys (1 day workshop)
May 2009: Séminaire de statistique à l’Université de Strasbourg (Strasbourg, France). Estimation robuste dans les enquêtes
March 2009: Journées de Méthodologie de l’INSEE (Paris, France). Discussant : session sur l’échantillonnage
March 2009: Journées de Méthodologie de l’INSEE (Paris, France). Imputation équilibrée aléatoire
January 2009: Séminaire de statistique à l’Université de Toulouse 1 (Toulouse, France). Estimation par la méthode du jackknife en presence de données imputées
June 2008: Séminaire de statistique à l’École Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Analyse de l’Information (Rennes, France). Estimation par la méthode du jackknife en presence de données imputées
November 2007: Cinquième Colloque francophone sur les sondages (Marseille, France). L’imputation ou préserver les relations
November 2007: Workshop on Calibration and Estimation in Surveys (Ottawa, Canada). On jackknife variance estimation in the presence of imputed data
August 2007: Joint Statistical Meeting (Salt Lake City, USA).Variance estimation under auxiliary value imputation in surveys
June 2007: International Conference on Establishment Surveys III (Montréal, Canada).Sampling and estimation in the presence of tax data in business surveys
June 2007: Journées de statistique de la Société Française de Statistique (Angers, France). Traitement de la non-réponse par imputation dans les enquêtes
June 2007: Journées de statistique de la Société Française de Statistique (Angers, France). Estimation en présence d’échantillonnage de type cut-off
June 2007: Journée du club SAS/STAT (Rennes, France). Outils SAS pour les études par simulation en présence de non-réponse et d’imputation
May 2007: Journées d’optimisation (Montréal, Canada). Variance estimation under auxiliary value imputation in surveys
March 2007: Université Laval (Québec, Canada). Approche par modèle de non-réponse pour l’inférence en présence de données imputées
November 2006: CISSQ (Montréal, Canada). Inférence en présence d’imputation
June 2006: Journées de statistique de la Société Française de Statistique (Paris, France). Estimation en présence de données fiscales dans les enquêtes économiques
May 2005: Quatrième Colloque francophone sur les sondages (Québec, Canada). Estimation simplifiée de la variance dans le cas de l’échantillonnage à deux phases
March 2005: Journée spéciale sur les sondages (Rennes, France). Inférence pour des domaines en présence de données imputées
March 2005: Journées de la Méthodologie Statistique 2005 (Paris, France). Approche par modèle de non-réponse pour l’inférence en présence de données imputées
September 2004: CISSQ/Université de Montréal (Montréal, Canada). Approche par modèle de non-réponse pour l’inférence en présence de données imputées
December 2003: Institut National de la Statistique appliquée (Toulouse, France). Inférence en présence de non-réponse et d’imputation
October 2003: Statistics Canada Symposium (Ottawa, Canada). Inference in two-stage cluster sampling under imputation for missing data
August 2003: Joint Statistical Meetings (San Fransisco, USA). GENESIS: a methodological and pedagogical tool
December 2002: Journée de la Méthodologie Statistique 2002 (Paris, France). Conférence spéciale : Inférence en présence d’imputation : un survol
December 2002: Université de Toulouse 1 (Toulouse, France). Inférence en présence de non-réponse et d’imputation
October 2002: Troisième Colloque Francophone sur les Sondages (Grenoble, France). Inférence pour des statisiques bivariées dans le cas d’enquêtes stratifiées à degrés multiples
August 2002: Joint Statistical Meetings (New York, USA). Inference for population means under unweighted imputation for missing survey data
October 2001: Université du Québec à Montréal (Montréal, Canada). Inférence en présence de non-réponse et d’imputation
October 2001: Statistics Canada Symposium (Ottawa-Hull, Canada). Construction of imputation cells in the Canadian Labour Force Survey
August 2001: Joint Statistical Meetings (Atlanta, USA). Model-assisted approach to inference for totals in cluster sampling under imputation for missing survey data
June 2001: Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada (Vancouver, Canada). Inference for regression coefficients under imputation for missing data
June 2000: Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada (Ottawa, Ontario). Inference for domain means under imputation for missing data